Check this comments by Dr.Mercola who is an osteopathic physician with vast experience in finding long-term solutions for patients who suffer from chronic illnesses using natural medicines.
Dr. Mercola, the New York Times best-selling author, has helped countless people to reach their health and weight loss goals. An osteopathic physician, board certified in family medicine, Dr. Mercola is passionate about empowering people to take control of their health using solely natural means.
Dr. Mercola’s natural health Web site,, has been the most visited natural health site on the Internet, with over 12 million page views every month. More than 1 million people subscribe to Dr. Mercola’s free e-mail newsletter, which has been in circulation since 1998If you decide to take cholesterol-lowering drugs instead of addressing the underlying problem, you are not only stopping your body’s natural healing process, you are exposing yourself to drugs that are loaded with side effects -- not the least of which is depleting your body of Coenzyme Q10, which leads to fatigue, muscle weakness, soreness and ultimately heart failure.
Profit, Not Health, is the Driving Factor Behind Current Cholesterol Recommendations
Cholesterol is Not the Evil Villain You’ve Been Led to Believe
The Risks of Low Cholesterol
What is Too High?
How to Safely and Effectively Treat High Cholesterol
My Neighbor's Cholesterol Challenge Nearly Killed HimWhat You Must Know if You Chose to Take Cholesterol Medication