One of The Founder and Pro-Tem Secretary, National Union Of Government Dispensers
(Kesatuan Pembancuh Ubat Kerajaan Semenanjung Malaysia- Now refered as
Kesatuan Kebangsaan Penolong Pegawai Farmasi Kerajaan Semenanjung Malaysia)
Before the existence of Dispensers, the Dispensary was run by Hospital Assistant (now called Penolong Pegawai Perubatan) where training were purely Nursing. The Government decided to have specialize training in Dispensing and the scheme of Dispensers was introduce.
In 1957, the First (1st) Batch of Dispensers was formed and sent to Penang for Training. The scheme of service was RM137.50 x 7.50 / 178.00 / 422.00. (i.e after qualifying 3 years probationary, we get RM178.00 with COLA RM52.50. However for the Nurses and H.A the pay was RM238.00 - RM528.00. We find it difficult to accept th disparity and were making a lot of noise until some told us to form a "Union".
We have no knowledge of Trade Union activities. So we went to the Labour Department and got the advice and the procedure in forming a "UNION".
In the year 1959, we had our first meeting at : No.300, Macalister Road, Penang. The following are the members of the Union :
1. Chong Kit Chee (Pro-Tem Secretary)
2. R.Narayanan
3. Toh Hong Sang (1st President) - Founder Of UPHA Pharmaceutical
4. Lee Soon Thim
5. Dr.J.V Anandhan, Phd (1st Secretary) - (Later become Lecturer & Pharmacist Specialist in USA)
6. Oon Peck Kee (1st Treasurer)
7. Bathasarithy
8. Lim Kok Lee
9. Miss Hooi Fong Yin
10. Miss Lim Yuet Yin
11. Shaharin Abdullah
12. Loke Chee Keong
We collected then RM2.00 per member to buy paper, stamps, etc to start the "ball rolling". I was (Chong Kit Chee) the first Pro-Tem Secretary and the late Toh Hong Sang was the 1st President. After 1960, all of us were posted to various state and the "Union" was finally started in Kota Bharu, Kelantan with J.V Anandan as the 1st Secretary of the "Kesatuan Pembancuh Ubat" with Toh Hong Sang the 1st President and Oon Peck Kee as the 1st Treasurer.
The membership then were RM2.00 per head. "For your information, the RM2.00 then is equavalent to more than RM10.00 now. We had no choice as we have no money.
We were look down by the H.A and Nurses and quite a number of Dispensers resigned and went to work in Private Pharmaceutical Company as salesman etc. Our President the late Mr.Toh Hong Sang successfully established the Pharmaceutical Factory which everyone know as "UPHA".
The Secretary J.V Anandan migrated to USA and is now Dr.J.V Anandan, lecturer in Pharmacology.
(J.V Anandan worked as Assoc Proffesor at Wayne State University, Pharmacy Specialist, Department of Pharmacy Services, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit)
Our Union activities were first to enroll for members and the response was very encouraging. We started to make representation to the Minstry Of Health about our pay scheme and other related matters such as "Overtime" etc. We fought very hard but did not get much result. So we embarked on the "Work To Rule" to press for our duties to be duly rewarded.
"Work To Rule" means 8.00am - 4.00pm and no call duty. Because we were small in numbers and with the H.A blocking us, we had to proceed for quite some time before Ministry of Health called us for Negotiation.

Then came the "Suffian Report" and still we were left behind because the Nurses and H.A were placed after 3 years training their scheme were RM238.00 - RM750.00 whereas the Dispensers were given RM275.00 - RM600.00.
We continue to press for parity with all the medical staff. In the meantime the "Union" have some many changes in office bearers such as Thiruchelvam, Abd Ghaffar and Hj.Sabirin.
HJ.Sabirin is the longest and most efficient Secretary General of the Union. When I was the President he worked very hard to push for some much benefits for all members. The project to get Diplomas status he spent endless memorandum untill finally you all successfully got what we have today! He should NOT BE FORGOTTEN and is now residing in Sg Buloh, Selangor.
After so much about Kesatuan, we now come to the Persatuan. I dont quite remember the date of Persatuan formation but somehow after 1970. At the time the H.A got the Govenrment by Act of Parliment to gazette their H.A Union. We also decided to form our Association of Dispensers in Kuala Lumpur. (now called Persatuan Penolong Pegawai Farmasi Malaysia)
Because of lack of support from members, the Persatuan formed were not active. I also have no time to deal with the Persatuan. Eventually the Persatuan were transfered to Ipoh with Hj.Ismail is the President. In Ipoh the Persatuan also did not perform.
As a result i lost my membership because i was fully engaged in Kesatuan activities.
After few years in Ipoh, the Persatuan were transfered to Kota Bharu and the rest is History. I became a member again with the number 0090.
I must take this opportunity to congratulate you and your team for leading the Persatuan to this present day and to be known as "Persatuan Penolong Pegawai Farmasi". Carryon with the good work. I hope everyone must join the Persatuan to give the leaders sufficient negotiating power. The worse enemies in the "Penolong Pegawai Farmasi" will be those who only benefit from the sweat of their fellows members.
Best wishes to you and all members of Persatuan.
Chong Kit Chee
July 2011
The article above was posted to me on 15th July 2011 by Mr.Chong Kit Chee, the very 1st Batch of PPF (refered to Dispensers those years) and also Founder of our Union and Pro-Tem Secretary who prepare the Unions Constitution for Registration with Labour Department in 1959.