Dear fellow Assistant Pharmacist of Malaysia,
I would like to highlight some of the important points for the developments of our profesion in Malaysia. To get some idea, I paste some infomations from a website which was in a powerpoint presentation taken from Canada Pharmacist Council regarding Regulations and Registrations of Pharmacy Technician.
Key Points (Powerpoint presentations):
SLIDE 1 :Considering Regulation
1. Enhanced safety overall
* More qualified personnel
* More focus on areas of expertise (Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians)
2. More time for pharmacists to provide comprehensive and cognitive patient care services.
SLIDE 2 : Benefits to Registered Pharmacy Technicians
* Role would be strengthened and raised to that of a regulated profession
* Clearly set professional standards of practice and scope of practice equals greater job satisfaction
* Increased professional status and recognition by the public
* Would participate in the self-governance of a profession already established
SLIDE 3 : Health System Improvement Act (Bill 171 introduced Dec. 2006)
Expanding Health Care Services
- Regulating pharmacy technicians would allow them to independently compound and dispense drugs, enabling pharmacists to turn their attention to providing more comprehensive patient-centred health care services with regards to drug therapy/care.
SLIDE 4 : Proposed Legislation
* New class of registration
* Title protection for pharmacy Technicians
* Council to include pharmacy technicians (phased-in process)
* Access to Controlled Act (dispensing/compounding) subject to terms, conditions and imitations
SLIDE 5 : Proposed R.Ph.T. Role Will Include:
* Confirm accuracy and completeness of prepared pharmaceutical products
* Check and sign off on technical accuracy of filled prescriptions
* Functions defined through College Standards and policies and procedures in the individual workplace
* Have standards of practice
* Have accountability and responsibility for their actions
* Be subject to complaints and discipline processes
* Be expected to keep current and participate in a Quality Assurance program
SLIDE 7 : Registration requirements
* Entry-to-practice requirements including:
education (expanded curriculum, accredited education programs)
* fluency
* practical training
* exams (knowledge, performance, jurisprudence)
SLIDE 8 : Accreditation for Pharmacy Technician Education Programs
* National educational outcomes approved (CPTEA)
* Canadian Council for Accreditation of Pharmacy Programs (CCAPP) to accredit
pharmacy technician education programs
* Preliminary Program accreditation possible for spring 2008
SLIDE 9 : Bridging Programs
* Some new learning for everyone (becoming a regulated professional)
* Needs will be varied (tech-check-tech)
* Demonstration of competency needed
* Flexibility of programs is important
SLIDE 10 : Moving Forward
* Maintain dialogue with primary stakeholders (pharmacy technicians, pharmacists, employers, educators, professional associations and organizations, government)
* Educate and update all stakeholders of ongoing progress (transition process, bridging programs, examination)
SLIDE 11 : Integration of Pharmacy Technicians in A COUNCIL
* Strategic plan includes “regulation and integration of pharmacy technicians”
* Two pharmacy technician observers at Council during transition phase
* Pharmacy Technician Working Group will plan transition planning process
The duration of basic course for Pharmacy Technician in Canada is just two years, but for us in Malaysia, it is 3 years Diploma course with 98 credit hours. With a comprehensive studies and curricullum, we deserve a better recognitions and respect from all parties.
In the slide no 10, i had bold the sentences, as I find it is very important for us in Malaysia. This is another reason for the formation of "MAJLIS PERUNDINGAN PEN.PEGAWAI FARMASI" which was supported by all parties. (10 organisations)
A site where all Assistant Pharmacist/Pharmacy Assistant/Pharmacy Technician can contribute towards the profession developments, share knowledge, experience and ideas. Feel free to leave your comments.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Posted by Canadian Pharmacy on Wednesday, December 5th, 2007
Massage therapy. Relaxation therapy
Filed under Depression
There are several different forms and traditions of massage therapy. (72) In the context of this article, massage uses typically a gentle manual stroking technique over the body (usually the back). This has a number of complex physiological and psychological effects, not least of which is relaxation of both the musculature and the mind. (72) A treatment, usually carried out by an NMQT, would normally last for 20 to 30 minutes and a series of approximately 6 twice weekly sessions would constitute a typical prescription.
Most publications relating to massage and depression were found to consist of anecdotal accounts and case studies. (73, 74) A recent review (75) of massage therapy uncovered only a few controlled trials. An RCT (76) allocated 122 intensive care unit patients to receive either massage, massage with 1% lavender (Lavendula vera) oil, or rest periods. Those who received the massage with lavender oil reported a greater improvement in mood as measured by a self-rating 4-point scale. The study did not involve patients with depression, was short-term, and used a crude outcome measure. It is thus not possible to draw firm conclusions from its results.
In a well-conducted RCT, (77,78) 72 hospitalized children and adolescents, half with adjustment disorder and half with depression, either received 30-minute back massages (n=52) daily for 5 days or watched a relaxing video (n=20) for the same period. Profile of mood states depression scores were significantly lower immediately after massage compared with pretreatment values (P=.005). In addition, the premassage profile of mood states scores significantly declined during the 5-day treatment period (P=.01), and the massage group was less depressed than the control group at the end of the study. Because of the small sample size and the short treatment period, the data are insufficient to judge the value of massage for depression.
Relaxation therapy is an umbrella term for several techniques primarily aimed at decreasing physical and mental tension. Such treatments may include elements of meditation, yoga, and other mind-body therapies. They would normally be carried out by NMQTs.
Three RCTs (82-84) investigating the effects of relaxation therapy were found. In the first study, 30 psychiatric outpatients with depression, all taking medication, were randomized to 3 groups. (82) Two of the groups were given different forms of relaxation therapy during 3 days, while the third group acted as a control. Compared with controls, both relaxation-therapy groups showed a significant improvement in symptom scores (P<.05). However, a symptom score list was used that had not been validated, the sample size was small, and the treatment period short.
In an RCT (83) involving 37 moderately depressed patients assigned to cognitive behavior therapy, relaxation therapy, or tricyclic antidepressants, the first 2 interventions resulted in significantly better mean Beck Depression Inventory scores than the pharmacological treatment (P<.01). The results should be viewed with caution because of the small sample size, lack of control for the nonspecific effects of attention from professionals, and reported noncompliance with the medication regime.
An RCT (84) in 30 moderately depressed adolescents showed that relaxation training or cognitive behavior therapy resulted in a greater improvement than no intervention. Again, the sample size was small and there was no control for nonspecific effects.
On balance, therefore, relaxation treatments are promising, but further research and replications are required
Massage therapy. Relaxation therapy
Filed under Depression
There are several different forms and traditions of massage therapy. (72) In the context of this article, massage uses typically a gentle manual stroking technique over the body (usually the back). This has a number of complex physiological and psychological effects, not least of which is relaxation of both the musculature and the mind. (72) A treatment, usually carried out by an NMQT, would normally last for 20 to 30 minutes and a series of approximately 6 twice weekly sessions would constitute a typical prescription.
Most publications relating to massage and depression were found to consist of anecdotal accounts and case studies. (73, 74) A recent review (75) of massage therapy uncovered only a few controlled trials. An RCT (76) allocated 122 intensive care unit patients to receive either massage, massage with 1% lavender (Lavendula vera) oil, or rest periods. Those who received the massage with lavender oil reported a greater improvement in mood as measured by a self-rating 4-point scale. The study did not involve patients with depression, was short-term, and used a crude outcome measure. It is thus not possible to draw firm conclusions from its results.
In a well-conducted RCT, (77,78) 72 hospitalized children and adolescents, half with adjustment disorder and half with depression, either received 30-minute back massages (n=52) daily for 5 days or watched a relaxing video (n=20) for the same period. Profile of mood states depression scores were significantly lower immediately after massage compared with pretreatment values (P=.005). In addition, the premassage profile of mood states scores significantly declined during the 5-day treatment period (P=.01), and the massage group was less depressed than the control group at the end of the study. Because of the small sample size and the short treatment period, the data are insufficient to judge the value of massage for depression.
Relaxation therapy is an umbrella term for several techniques primarily aimed at decreasing physical and mental tension. Such treatments may include elements of meditation, yoga, and other mind-body therapies. They would normally be carried out by NMQTs.
Three RCTs (82-84) investigating the effects of relaxation therapy were found. In the first study, 30 psychiatric outpatients with depression, all taking medication, were randomized to 3 groups. (82) Two of the groups were given different forms of relaxation therapy during 3 days, while the third group acted as a control. Compared with controls, both relaxation-therapy groups showed a significant improvement in symptom scores (P<.05). However, a symptom score list was used that had not been validated, the sample size was small, and the treatment period short.
In an RCT (83) involving 37 moderately depressed patients assigned to cognitive behavior therapy, relaxation therapy, or tricyclic antidepressants, the first 2 interventions resulted in significantly better mean Beck Depression Inventory scores than the pharmacological treatment (P<.01). The results should be viewed with caution because of the small sample size, lack of control for the nonspecific effects of attention from professionals, and reported noncompliance with the medication regime.
An RCT (84) in 30 moderately depressed adolescents showed that relaxation training or cognitive behavior therapy resulted in a greater improvement than no intervention. Again, the sample size was small and there was no control for nonspecific effects.
On balance, therefore, relaxation treatments are promising, but further research and replications are required
Saturday, November 29, 2008
"I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal."
In one of his last speeches, King reminded his audience that "in the final analysis, God does not judge us by the separate incidents or the separate mistakes that we make, but by the total bent of our lives."
(My most admired and respected Politician/Leader in this world... and its truely happen now!)
To all my Pharmacist Assistant brothers and sisters,
I have a dream too. That one day, God will open their heart and eyes.. we will be noticed, our cries will be heard...our hunger and thirst of getting further education in this field will be rewarded...we will sit in same par with other paramedics...given important role in patient care and pharmaceutical care together with Profesionals and other paramedics...our education system will be better and have more Pharmacy Collegeous...we will have enough lecturers and more students which will fill all the vacancy in Malaysia...that our welfare will be taken care by those with noble and good heart... Belief me.. one day it will happen.
Dear friends, by looking ahead and following the progress of Pharmacy Technologist /Technicians profesion developments in western and USA, there is a very positive momentums and scenarios. We can see they already have a Pharmacy Technician Board, Code Of Ethics, Registration Of Pharmacy Technician/Technologist, Compulsory Competency Examination (every 2 years), Post Basic Courses, Technical Specialist Courses, Certification Examinations with Badges - Certified Pharmacy Technician Badge.. Proper Uniforms with corporate image...etc.
This will happen one day. There are alot of very nice and good people in Management. So dont blame everyone just because of one or two blacksheeps. Good moment will arise for our profesion. Just be strong, patient as we always do...and belief.
Association and Union will play their part, so as our newly form PPF Council. Lets all give a full support to all this organisations and keep praying.
* Love begins by taking care of the closest ones
- Mother Theresa
* We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop
- Mother Theresa
* Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new - Albert Einstein
* Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning... Albert Einstein
In one of his last speeches, King reminded his audience that "in the final analysis, God does not judge us by the separate incidents or the separate mistakes that we make, but by the total bent of our lives."
(My most admired and respected Politician/Leader in this world... and its truely happen now!)
To all my Pharmacist Assistant brothers and sisters,
I have a dream too. That one day, God will open their heart and eyes.. we will be noticed, our cries will be heard...our hunger and thirst of getting further education in this field will be rewarded...we will sit in same par with other paramedics...given important role in patient care and pharmaceutical care together with Profesionals and other paramedics...our education system will be better and have more Pharmacy Collegeous...we will have enough lecturers and more students which will fill all the vacancy in Malaysia...that our welfare will be taken care by those with noble and good heart... Belief me.. one day it will happen.
Dear friends, by looking ahead and following the progress of Pharmacy Technologist /Technicians profesion developments in western and USA, there is a very positive momentums and scenarios. We can see they already have a Pharmacy Technician Board, Code Of Ethics, Registration Of Pharmacy Technician/Technologist, Compulsory Competency Examination (every 2 years), Post Basic Courses, Technical Specialist Courses, Certification Examinations with Badges - Certified Pharmacy Technician Badge.. Proper Uniforms with corporate image...etc.
This will happen one day. There are alot of very nice and good people in Management. So dont blame everyone just because of one or two blacksheeps. Good moment will arise for our profesion. Just be strong, patient as we always do...and belief.
Association and Union will play their part, so as our newly form PPF Council. Lets all give a full support to all this organisations and keep praying.
* Love begins by taking care of the closest ones
- Mother Theresa
* We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop
- Mother Theresa
* Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new - Albert Einstein
* Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning... Albert Einstein
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Good evening all my friends. I would like to highlight the scenerio at oversea pharmacy titles for your attention.
There are more than 3 titles at USA and Republic Ireland those working under a pharmacist.
1. Senior Pharmacy Technologist (Assos.Degree in Pharmacy Technology)
2. Pharmacy Technologist "
3. Pharmacy Technologist Trainee "
4. Senior Pharmacy Technician (Diploma@1-2 yrs courses)
5. Pharmacy Technician 1 "
6. Pharmacy Technician II "
7. Pharmacy Assistant ( 6mnth - 1yr course)
8. Pharmacy Aides (on job training)
Source : UTMB Human Resource USA, Republic of Ireland.
Those with a degree also can become a specialist in research such as :
Pharmacy Research Technologist
All this titles and job is available in oversea and if we check the trend in Medical advancement and developments, we always follow the west especially USA and Britain.
I'm very sure our sillibus is not created in Malaysia from the begining it was started. Most of our studies was inherited from British education system and sooner or later we are adopting their technology and system. This is happening also to our Pharmacist whereby they are in front line and we are now placed as filler and also dispense when necessary.
The title Technologist doesnt mean we work at a laboratory. In USA, the Pharmacy Technologist supervise the Pharmacy Technician and also Pharmacy Aide. So where do we stand now???
I still remember in 1998, Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka reply to a Union letter regarding the term Technologist and Technician whereby they define the meaning of Technologist as " a person who has the knowledge in a related field". It doesnt sound a person who do the technical job.
So lets think wise and do more homework my dear friends.
God Bless All.
There are more than 3 titles at USA and Republic Ireland those working under a pharmacist.
1. Senior Pharmacy Technologist (Assos.Degree in Pharmacy Technology)
2. Pharmacy Technologist "
3. Pharmacy Technologist Trainee "
4. Senior Pharmacy Technician (Diploma@1-2 yrs courses)
5. Pharmacy Technician 1 "
6. Pharmacy Technician II "
7. Pharmacy Assistant ( 6mnth - 1yr course)
8. Pharmacy Aides (on job training)
Source : UTMB Human Resource USA, Republic of Ireland.
Those with a degree also can become a specialist in research such as :
Pharmacy Research Technologist
All this titles and job is available in oversea and if we check the trend in Medical advancement and developments, we always follow the west especially USA and Britain.
I'm very sure our sillibus is not created in Malaysia from the begining it was started. Most of our studies was inherited from British education system and sooner or later we are adopting their technology and system. This is happening also to our Pharmacist whereby they are in front line and we are now placed as filler and also dispense when necessary.
The title Technologist doesnt mean we work at a laboratory. In USA, the Pharmacy Technologist supervise the Pharmacy Technician and also Pharmacy Aide. So where do we stand now???
I still remember in 1998, Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka reply to a Union letter regarding the term Technologist and Technician whereby they define the meaning of Technologist as " a person who has the knowledge in a related field". It doesnt sound a person who do the technical job.
So lets think wise and do more homework my dear friends.
God Bless All.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Salam sejahtera semua rakan perjuangan,
Sudah tiba masanya kita mengubah corak langkah dasar perjuangan dalam pembangunan profesion keseluruhannya. Kesatuan telah memainkan peranan baik selama ini dan satu usaha terbesar yang dilakukan selain usaha2 lampau ialah penukaran title ke Pen.Pegawai Farmasi. Walaupun secara peribadi saya telah jelaskan tidak menyokong gelaran ini.
Tetapi kejayaan tetap telah dilakukan oleh Kesatuan dan sekurang-kurangnya telah meningkatkan imej kita ke satu tahap yang lebih dari sebelumnya.
Pegawai-pegawai juga sudah mula menerima kita dengan gelaran baru ini.
Ingin saya mengolah kembali artikel saya sebelum ini berkaitan gelaran baru ini. Satu kajian yang komprehensif mengenai pro dan kontra pemilihan gelaran harus dilakukan dahulu lagi dengan mengambil kira sebab dan akibat serta mengambil kira hala tuju Pegawai Farmasi kerana jika kita mengetahui halatuju mereka, kita akan juga dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan perubahan besar yang bakal berlaku kepada sistem perkhidmatan Farmasi. Mungkin ramai yang baca akan marah terutama AJK kesatuan. Saya tidak akan siarkan artikel tanpa sebab munasabah dan selepas mendapat maklumat lengkap dari mereka-mereka yang berilmu tinggi.
Saya amat dekat dan selalu berbincang dengan para Pengajar di Kolej, Pen.Setiausaha Bhg Latihan, anggota HKL, Persatuan dan beberapa ahli-ahli dinamik PPF dimana mereka kerap menerima maklumat2 terkini semasa mesyuarat peringkat atasan. Pandangan saya bukan pandangan peribadi tetapi mewakili juga para cendiakiawan PPF dan bekas PPF yang telah menjadi Pengajar dan Pen.Setiausaha (BPL). Mereka benar2 kecewa dengan pemilihan gelaran baru ini. Ini adalah fakta sebenar.
Kenapakah gelaran baru ini tidak dipersetujui? Inilah persoalan yang semua harus ketahui. Kita tidak boleh mengelak dari hakikat bahawa profesion kita sebenarnya adalah kumpulan sokongan kepada Pharmacist. Jika dahulu memang kita berada dibarisan hadapan, tetapi peranan tersebut diambil oleh Pegawai kerana ia memang tugas mereka sebenarnya. Kita tidak harus rasa terancam dalam hal ini. Di Malaysia peranan tersebut sangat lambat dikendalikan secara langsung oleh Pegawai Farmasi. Maksud disini ialah berperanan di perkhidmatan kaunter bersama-sama juga dengan Penolong Pegawai Farmasi bila diperlukan.
Untuk makluman semua, dalam Persidangan Pen.Pegawai Farmasi Perak pada 31 Oktober lepas, saya amat terharu dengan taklimat oleh TPKN(F) Tn.Hj.Ruhaiyem yang banyak menyentuh pembangunan profesion kita sedalam-dalamnya. Beliau ada menyebut tentang kesilapan Pegawai Farmasi sendiri yang memilih gelaran yang salah iaitu "Pegawai Farmasi" yang mana menurut beliau sepatutnya memilih gelaran "Ahli Farmasi". Beliau mengatakan bahawa "sudahlah kita tersalah pilih nama, u all pun ikut belakang nama Pen.Pegawai Farmasi"! Menurut beliau gelaran "Pegawai Farmasi" sendiri mirip kepada tugas2 pentadbiran dan tidak mencerminkan tugas klinikal. Seterusnya beliau mencadangkan kita memilih gelaran teknikal seperti diluar negara sebagaimana yang saya cadangkan.
Ini adalah kerana sebenarnya kita dalam profesion ini tiada "HAK" sendiri terhadap satu-satu tugas atau kepakaran yang anggota lain boleh lakukan. Kalau dahulu kita pakar dalam penyediaan dan pembancuhan ubatan(Unit Galenikal) penyediaan I/V, penyediaan ubat mata dan telinga, penyediaan losyen dan krim/ointment dll, tapi tugas tersebut tidak lagi dilakukan kecuali untuk extemporanues atau persediaan seperti Mist.Potasium chloride, Scholl solution, Mist.Expectorant Stimulant dll bila perlu. Inilah yang selalu ditekankan oleh YDP Persatuan iaitu Tn.Hj.Kamaruddin "berkaitan hak keatas tugas dan kepakaran" dalam ucapan dasar beliau dahulu dalam AGM 2007 di Kuching.
Kita boleh mendapat hak tersebut sekiranya memilih satu gelaran yang bersifat teknikal. Seterusnya kita juga boleh mendapat Ijazah yang relevan iaitu Degree in Pharmaceutical Technology atau Pharmaceutical science. Ijazah ini memang berjalan di USA dan Eropah kepada Pharmacy Technician. Di USA para Pharmacy Technician yang menghabiskan Ijazah Pharmacy Technology akan di gelar Pharmacy Technologist!
Bilangan credit hours pembelajaran di USA adalah hampir sama dengan Diploma Farmasi kita iaitu 96 credit hrs.
Harus diberi perhatian bahawa pembelajaran dan gelaran jawatan mestilah seimbang dan relevan. Jika ingin menjadi Pegawai Farmasi, PPF boleh memohon saluran biasa yang disediakan jika layak. Kepada lain-lain PPF berdiploma bolehlah memohon Ijazah ini sekiranya telah diiktiraf.
Satu kajian dan bengkel boleh diusahakan untuk mengembangkan skop kerja yang mendalam dalam bidang teknikal terutama dalam TPN, CDR, Farmasi Bekalan Wad, RadioFarmasi, Perolehan & Bekalan, Home Medication Review dll skop dimana tugas-tiugas ini boleh dipisahkan antara klinikal dan teknikal. Jika gelaran kita pen.Pegawai farmasi, skop ini tidak boleh dipisahkan kerana apa2 tugas yang dilakukan oleh Pegawai, kita juga lakukan. inilah yang tidak digemari oleh mereka dengan gelaran baru ini.
Cuba bayangkan jika gelaran baru kita adalah Juruteknoloji Farmasi atau Teknologis Farmasi, gelaran ini merujuk kepada kepakaran dalam bidang berkaitan dan bukan pembantu kepada sesiapa. Kita juga berpeluang meningkat dalam Gred dari U29 hingga Gred U54 jika dengan nama gelaran ini (jika ada Ijazah dengan usaha mendapatkannya). Tetapi dengan nama Pen.Pegawai Farmasi bolehkah digelar Pen.Pegawai Farmasi U41? PPF telah di'seal' dibawah U41 dengan gelaran ini dan jika mengharapkan mendapat U41, kita harus mengambil Ijazah Farmasi yang mana kita tahu amat sukar memperolehinya.
Itulah sebabnya saya menyatakan kita harus ada 'approach' baru dalam perjuangan.
Kita tidak boleh lagi menentang arus. Perkara paling penting jika ingin mengembangkan profesion ini ialah kita harus melakukan sesuatu supaya diterima oleh Pegawai dan Bahagian Perkhidmatan Farmasi secara amnya dengan ikhlas hati. Sekiranya ini berlaku, apa-apa tuntutan kita akan menjadi mudah untuk dipertimbangkan.
Kita tidak harus sesekali melakukan sesuatu yang bersifat menentang atau memberi kesan negatif kepada profesion mereka. Kita seharusnya berada dalam satu keluarga yang mesra, baik, bekerjasama dan bersama-sama memperutuhkan perkhidmatan Farmasi yang berkualiti secara total. Inilah yang harus menjadi pegangan dan matlamat.
Oleh yang demikian saya berpendapat satu usaha baru harus dimulakan yang memfokuskan kepada hubungan baik antara Pegawai Farmasi dan Pen.Pegawai Farmasi dengan dimulakan oleh Kesatuan dan Bhg Perkhidmatan Farmasi.
Saya juga ingin menyentuh penubuhan Majlis Perundingan PPF.
Cadangan mengadakan Majlis tidak seharusnya dipandang negatif oleh Kesatuan mahupun Persatuan. Perjumpaan diantara semua organisasi yang ada hubungkait dengan profesion kita sangatlah penting dan menjadi media untuk berkomunikasi serta membantu menyelesaikan banyak masalah atau mempercepatkan sebarang cadangan pembangunan tanpa mengganggu perjalanan Pertubuhan itu sendiri.
Kesatuan dan Persatuan tidak seharusnya melihat penubuhan majlis PPF sebagai satu ancaman atau sindiran kepada tujuan penubuhan mereka. Seharusnya kita berbangga adanya Majlis ini dimana dapat kita bersemuka dengan semua PPF dan bekas PPF yang telah menjadi pengajar dan P.S.U di bahagian latihan.
Setiap perbincangan akan diatur dengan teliti supaya tidak menyentuh perjuangan pertubuhan itu masing-masing. Perlantikan wakil dari BPF juga tidak seharusnya dipandang negatif. Kedudukan beliau sangat penting dalam Majlis ini dimana banyak perkara boleh kita bincangkan dan perolehi maklumat. Beliau juga telah bersetuju memberi kerjasama baik dalam majlis ini. Sebagai pengerusi bukan bererti beliau akan mengawal semua ahli-ahli atau menyoal, tetapi lebih kepada perbincangan demi pembangunan profesion. Seharusnya dipandang dari sudut positif dan bukan melemparkan berbagai tuduhan negatif kepada beliau.
Saya sangat berharap semua PPF membuka minda dan berfikir secara positif masa hadapan kita dalam pengembangan profesion terutama dalam aspek pendidikan, karier, latihan dan kebajikan. Sama-samalah kita bersatu hati demi pembangunan profesion tanpa mengambil kira rasa ego dan pandangan negatif.
Salam mesra.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
This photos taken during Annual General Meeting of Malaysian Pharmacy Assistant Association on 4-5th May 2007. Full of credit should go to all the organizers- Pn.Khamsiah, Mr.Jong, and all the organizing committee. The whole programme and function was superb and profesionally done! I want to highlight here even we all know that it was already a year past.
It was officiated by Deputy Health Minister Y.B Dato' Dr.Abd latif and also attended by Pharmacy Director then Y.Bhg.Dato'Che Mohd Zin. The dinner was so colorful with lot of shows and good menu's.
Definitely it was a memorable one ! Congratulation to all Sarawakian's on the great occasion ! Here are some of the photos taken.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Hari ini jam 9.00 pagi satu sejarah telah tercipta dengan penubuhan MAJLIS PERUNDINGAN PEN.PEGAWAI FARMASI MALAYSIA (pada awalnya "Task Force").
Satu mesyuarat telah diadakan di Bilik Mesyuarat Melor 1, dianggotai dari beberapa bahagian perkhidmatan seperti PPF U40 Bhg.Perkhidmatan Farmasi, Bhg.Latihan KKM, Ketua Program & Pengajar Kolej Farmasi, Wakil Persatuan dan Kesatuan, In-Service Staff.
Saya rasa amat gembira dan bangga kerana setelah sekian lama yang diimpikan menjadi kenyataan iaitu untuk mengumpulkan semua staf-staf Farmasi dari pelbagai Institusi iaitu Kolej, Bhg.Latihan, BPF KKM, BIRO, Hospital, Kesihatan, Wakil Sabah, Wakil Sarawak, (akan dipanggil dalam mesyuarat akan datang). Suasana mesyuarat sangat harmoni, mesra dan proaktif.
Mesyuarat dimulakan dengan ucapan alu-aluan oleh penganjur iaitu En.Ariffin Sutan diikuti taklimat Task Force oleh saya sendiri dan kemudian ucapan oleh wakil Persatuan & Kesatuan serta Ucapan En.Muhammad b Awang. Majlis sebulat suara bersetuju menubuhkan Jawatankuasa ini sebagai satu Majlis Perundingan Pen.Pegawai Farmasi di bawah naungan Bahagian Perkhidmatan Farmasi selepas mendapat kelulusan.
Ahli-ahli yang hadir ialah : 1. En.Ariffin Sutan, 2 En.Jong Koi Chong, 3. En.Mohd Sani, 4. Cik Chuan, 5. En.Mohd Raya, 6. En.Muhammad b Awang, 7. Tn.Hj.Harun Husin, 8. Puan Faridah Saidi, 9. En.Mohd Nazri Mohd Esa, 10. Tn.Hj.Sulaiman Harun, 11. En.Rohin Daud, 12. Cik Rosefazila bt Rosli Lee dan 13. saya sendiri.
Jawatankuasa yang dilantik akan diumumkan kemudian selepas mendapat pengesahan.
Dibawah adalah sebahagian gambar-gambar.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Persidangan Pen.Pegawai Farmasi 2008 di Marina Cove Resort, Lumut telah dijalankan dengan jayanya dan mendapat sambutan baik dari semua peserta-peserta dan penceramah-penceramah.
Tajuk-tajuk yang di persembahkan ialah : 1. Prepairing & Enhanced Quality Service oleh Timb.Pengarah Kesihatan Negeri(F) Tn.Hj.Ruhaiyem b Yahaya, 2. Pembangunan Kesihatan Primer dan Halatuju PPF oleh Pn.Sahidah Said (Ketua Pen.Pengarah Bhg.Pembg.Kesihatan Keluarga, Caw.Primer), 3. Update Profesion PPF oleh En.Muhammad b Awang (Ketua Pen.Pegawai Farmasi U40 KKM), 4. Occupational Safety in Pharmacy oleh Tn.Hj.Harun b Husin (Ketua PPF U36 JKWPKL), 5. Teknik Aseptik oleh Pn.Akmalyatun Kamal (Peg.Farmasi U44 Hosp.Ipoh), 6. Perolehan & Pengurusan Stor oleh Pn.Norul Adlin (Peg.Farmasi U41 Hosp.Seberang Jaya), 7. Pengujian Produk Farmaseutikal, Pengawalan Ubat Pasaran, ADR & Product Recall oleh En.Tan Ann Ling (Peg.Farmasi U52 Biro Farmaseutikal Kebangsaan).
Kehadiran peserta adalah seramai 40 orang. Satu kerja kumpulan juga dijalankan iaitu Expanded & Extended Role. Peserta di pecahkan kepada 4 kumpulan dan brainstorming session dijalankan. Tiap kumpulan menyediakan kertas kerja untuk 2 cadangan Expanded Role dan Extended Role. Pada ke esokkan harinya pembentangan dilakukan dihadapan Panel iaitu TPKN(F) Tn.Hj.Ruhaiyem, KPP Pn.Sahidah Said dan En.Muhammad b Awang, PPF U40.
Komen yang diberikan sangat memberansangkan oleh para panel dan TPKN(F) memberi beberapa cadangan yang membina serta sokongan baik kepada pembangunan profesion PPF!
KPP Pn.Sahidah juga menerangkan akan membawa usul yang dibentangkan kepada Mesyuarat bersama Pegawai Farmasi Kesihatan pada 8 November 2008 ini di Port Dickson.
Syabas di ucapkan kepada semua peserta diatas kesungguhan menyediakan kertas kerja dan pembentangan !
Di bawah adalah sebahagian gambar-gambar Persidangan PPF.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
DOCTOR Vs PHARMACIST - Separation of Prescribing from Dispensing
Separation of prescribing from dispensing
In most jurisdictions (such as the United States), pharmacists are regulated separately from physicians. Specifically, the legislation stipulates that the practice of prescribing must be separate from the practice of dispensing. [citation needed] These jurisdictions also usually specify that only pharmacists may supply scheduled pharmaceuticals to the public, and that pharmacists cannot form business partnerships with physicians or give them “kickback” payments. However, the American Medical Association (AMA) Code of Ethics provides that physicians may dispense drugs within their office practices as long as there is no patient exploitation and patients have the right to a written prescription that can be filled elsewhere. 7 to 10 percent of American physician practices reportedly dispense drugs on their own.
In other jurisdictions (particularly in Asian countries such as China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Singapore), doctors are allowed to dispense drugs themselves and the practice of pharmacy is sometimes integrated with that of the physician, particularly in traditional Chinese medicine.
In Canada it is common for a medical clinic and a pharmacy to be located together and for the ownership in both enterprises to be common, but licensed separately.
The reason for the majority rule is the high risk of a conflict of interest. Otherwise, the physician has a financial self-interest in “diagnosing” as many conditions as possible, and in exaggerating their seriousness, because he or she can then sell more medications to the patient. Such self-interest directly conflicts with the patient’s interest in obtaining cost-effective medication and avoiding the unnecessary use of medication that may have side-effects. This system reflects much similarity to the checks and balances system of the U.S. and many other governments.
A campaign for separation has begun in many countries and has already been successful (like in Korea). As many of the remaining nations move towards separation, resistance and lobbying from dispensing doctors who have pecuniary interests may prove a major stumbling block (e.g. in Malaysia).
The future of pharmacy
In the coming decades, pharmacists are expected to become more integral within the health care system. Rather than simply dispensing medication, pharmacists will be paid for their patient care skills.
This paradigm shift has already commenced in some countries; for instance, pharmacists in Australia receive remuneration from the Australian Government for conducting comprehensive Home Medicines Reviews. In the United Kingdom, pharmacists (and nurses) who undertake additional training are obtaining prescribing rights. They are also being paid for by the government for medicine use reviews. In the United States, the Clinical pharmacy movement has had an evolving influence on the practice of pharmacy. Moreover, the Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) degree is now required before entering practice and many pharmacists now complete one or two years of residency training following graduation. In addition, consultant pharmacists, who traditionally operated primarily in nursing homes are now expanding into direct consultation with patients, under the banner of “senior care pharmacy.”
Separation of prescribing from dispensing
In most jurisdictions (such as the United States), pharmacists are regulated separately from physicians. Specifically, the legislation stipulates that the practice of prescribing must be separate from the practice of dispensing. [citation needed] These jurisdictions also usually specify that only pharmacists may supply scheduled pharmaceuticals to the public, and that pharmacists cannot form business partnerships with physicians or give them “kickback” payments. However, the American Medical Association (AMA) Code of Ethics provides that physicians may dispense drugs within their office practices as long as there is no patient exploitation and patients have the right to a written prescription that can be filled elsewhere. 7 to 10 percent of American physician practices reportedly dispense drugs on their own.
In other jurisdictions (particularly in Asian countries such as China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Singapore), doctors are allowed to dispense drugs themselves and the practice of pharmacy is sometimes integrated with that of the physician, particularly in traditional Chinese medicine.
In Canada it is common for a medical clinic and a pharmacy to be located together and for the ownership in both enterprises to be common, but licensed separately.
The reason for the majority rule is the high risk of a conflict of interest. Otherwise, the physician has a financial self-interest in “diagnosing” as many conditions as possible, and in exaggerating their seriousness, because he or she can then sell more medications to the patient. Such self-interest directly conflicts with the patient’s interest in obtaining cost-effective medication and avoiding the unnecessary use of medication that may have side-effects. This system reflects much similarity to the checks and balances system of the U.S. and many other governments.
A campaign for separation has begun in many countries and has already been successful (like in Korea). As many of the remaining nations move towards separation, resistance and lobbying from dispensing doctors who have pecuniary interests may prove a major stumbling block (e.g. in Malaysia).
The future of pharmacy
In the coming decades, pharmacists are expected to become more integral within the health care system. Rather than simply dispensing medication, pharmacists will be paid for their patient care skills.
This paradigm shift has already commenced in some countries; for instance, pharmacists in Australia receive remuneration from the Australian Government for conducting comprehensive Home Medicines Reviews. In the United Kingdom, pharmacists (and nurses) who undertake additional training are obtaining prescribing rights. They are also being paid for by the government for medicine use reviews. In the United States, the Clinical pharmacy movement has had an evolving influence on the practice of pharmacy. Moreover, the Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) degree is now required before entering practice and many pharmacists now complete one or two years of residency training following graduation. In addition, consultant pharmacists, who traditionally operated primarily in nursing homes are now expanding into direct consultation with patients, under the banner of “senior care pharmacy.”
Dear Pharmacy Friends,
This is the Top 50 Pharmacy Blogs taken from Nursing Guide Web Site. Feel free to surf and get the informations.
It is intended to let people know where they can go on the web to read daily posts about various topics having to do with prescription drugs and medications.
This list of 50 blogs is broken down into the following categories:
* Pharmacy Opinion Blogs
* Pharmacy News and Informational Blogs
* Professional Development Blogs
* Pharmacology Blogs
* Pharmaceutical Blogs
Each of the 50 blogs in the "Top 50 Pharmacist Blogs" article has a link for easy access. I encourage you to take advantage of this convenient "tour" around the so-called Pharma blogosphere to see what else is out there for you.
This is the Top 50 Pharmacy Blogs taken from Nursing Guide Web Site. Feel free to surf and get the informations.
It is intended to let people know where they can go on the web to read daily posts about various topics having to do with prescription drugs and medications.
This list of 50 blogs is broken down into the following categories:
* Pharmacy Opinion Blogs
* Pharmacy News and Informational Blogs
* Professional Development Blogs
* Pharmacology Blogs
* Pharmaceutical Blogs
Each of the 50 blogs in the "Top 50 Pharmacist Blogs" article has a link for easy access. I encourage you to take advantage of this convenient "tour" around the so-called Pharma blogosphere to see what else is out there for you.
Pfizer Settles Most Bextra And Celebrex Drug Injury Cases
Company Will Pay $745 Million In Settlements To Conclude 90% Of These Lawsuits
(Posted by Tom Lamb at
An October 17, 2008 Wall Street Journal (WSJ) article, "Pfizer to Settle Celebrex and Bextra Suits", broke the news and provided the details:
Pfizer Inc. has agreed in principle to pay $894 million to settle litigation related to its painkillers Celebrex and Bextra.
The bulk of the settlement, $745 million, will resolve 90% of the known personal injury suits that allege the painkillers caused heart attacks and strokes, according to Pfizer, which will take a third-quarter pre-tax charge to earnings of $894 million, a statement provided by the company said.
Attorneys General in 33 states and the District of Columbia, who have filed suits relating to Pfizer's promotion of Bextra, will receive $60 million of the settlement; the remainder, $89 million, will resolve class actions alleging fraud in connection with the promotion of Celebrex and Bextra.
The settlement does not cover securities fraud litigation that has been filed in connection with Celebrex and Bextra.
Pfizer's Celebrex is the last among a group of painkillers called Cox-2 inhibitors that is still sold in the U.S. From the October 17 WSJ article:
"Pfizer stands by the safety and efficacy profile of Celebrex," said Joe Feczko, Pfizer's chief medical officer.
Bextra was recalled in April 2005 by the FDA and Pfizer. At the time, the FDA said it was the increased risk of serious skin reactions that was the reason for Bextra being pulled off the market.
Vioxx was recalled in September 2004 by the FDA and Merck due to cardiovascular side effects. In late 2007 Merck agreed to pay $4.85 billion in a so-called "global settlement" of all personal injury and wrongful death cases involving Vioxx use in the U.S.
Company Will Pay $745 Million In Settlements To Conclude 90% Of These Lawsuits
(Posted by Tom Lamb at
An October 17, 2008 Wall Street Journal (WSJ) article, "Pfizer to Settle Celebrex and Bextra Suits", broke the news and provided the details:
Pfizer Inc. has agreed in principle to pay $894 million to settle litigation related to its painkillers Celebrex and Bextra.
The bulk of the settlement, $745 million, will resolve 90% of the known personal injury suits that allege the painkillers caused heart attacks and strokes, according to Pfizer, which will take a third-quarter pre-tax charge to earnings of $894 million, a statement provided by the company said.
Attorneys General in 33 states and the District of Columbia, who have filed suits relating to Pfizer's promotion of Bextra, will receive $60 million of the settlement; the remainder, $89 million, will resolve class actions alleging fraud in connection with the promotion of Celebrex and Bextra.
The settlement does not cover securities fraud litigation that has been filed in connection with Celebrex and Bextra.
Pfizer's Celebrex is the last among a group of painkillers called Cox-2 inhibitors that is still sold in the U.S. From the October 17 WSJ article:
"Pfizer stands by the safety and efficacy profile of Celebrex," said Joe Feczko, Pfizer's chief medical officer.
Bextra was recalled in April 2005 by the FDA and Pfizer. At the time, the FDA said it was the increased risk of serious skin reactions that was the reason for Bextra being pulled off the market.
Vioxx was recalled in September 2004 by the FDA and Merck due to cardiovascular side effects. In late 2007 Merck agreed to pay $4.85 billion in a so-called "global settlement" of all personal injury and wrongful death cases involving Vioxx use in the U.S.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
To all my Pharmacy Friends,
Talking about “Positive” n “Attitude” is something not in my capacity to discuss in general. I’m ordinary human beings as you all and not professional in this subject.
But anyway, I believe if anyone looking for success in career developments, one should be very positive in life, good thinking, attitudes and drive of winning mentality.
I would like to share with all of you regarding our planing to have a Malaysia Pharmacist Assistant Conference or Convention. I did discuss with one of the very senior Pharmacist Assistant regarding having a Conference for our profession.
You know what he said. He told me: “ why you all like to do big thing without knowing what is Conference”…. Then he ask me to just organised a workshop instead !
We are living in the world of technology, knowledge and advancement. There are no time to catchup with others if we are still slow in progress.
It may look un-organised for the very first Conference or Conventions, but only through the first step we can go further and make a better and perfect one. The very first step is the mother of all success ! Don’t you think that?
Most of the Junior PPF and some dynamic Seniors with vision in future, agree with me to have a conference and scientific meeting for ourself and organised by Association.
My friends, the number one enemy is within us. That is the NEGATIVE MIND ! If we already set our thoughts with negative things, nothing will come on our way accept luck.
Talking about “Positive” n “Attitude” is something not in my capacity to discuss in general. I’m ordinary human beings as you all and not professional in this subject.
But anyway, I believe if anyone looking for success in career developments, one should be very positive in life, good thinking, attitudes and drive of winning mentality.
I would like to share with all of you regarding our planing to have a Malaysia Pharmacist Assistant Conference or Convention. I did discuss with one of the very senior Pharmacist Assistant regarding having a Conference for our profession.
You know what he said. He told me: “ why you all like to do big thing without knowing what is Conference”…. Then he ask me to just organised a workshop instead !
We are living in the world of technology, knowledge and advancement. There are no time to catchup with others if we are still slow in progress.
It may look un-organised for the very first Conference or Conventions, but only through the first step we can go further and make a better and perfect one. The very first step is the mother of all success ! Don’t you think that?
Most of the Junior PPF and some dynamic Seniors with vision in future, agree with me to have a conference and scientific meeting for ourself and organised by Association.
My friends, the number one enemy is within us. That is the NEGATIVE MIND ! If we already set our thoughts with negative things, nothing will come on our way accept luck.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Dibawah adalah gambar-gambar yang diambil semasa saya, Hj.Harun dan En.Nazri Mohd Esa menerima jemputan menghadiri majlis konvokesyen KSKB kali ke-4. Turut sama hadir ialah YDP PPFM Tn.Hj.Kamaruddin dan Mdm Puspa (Koordinator Prog.Farmasi,PNC International College, Nilai)
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
( Ingin saya menulis sejarah berkaitan profesion ini supaya umum, para PPF junior dan yang hampir lupa dapat mengingatkan kembali asal usul profesion ini. Selamat membaca)
Profesion Penolong Pegawai Farmasi bermula sekitar bulan September 1957 iaitu sebulan sesudah Kemerdekaan Malaya. Pada masa itu latihan dijalankan di premis Sekolah Latihan Jururawat, Hospital Besar Pulau Pinang. Latihan dijalankan disana sehingga tahun 1964. Kolej latihan adalah dinamakan sebagai Sekolah Latihan Pembancuh Ubat. Pada ketika itu, Latihan adalah dijalankan secara teori selama setahun dan ”on job training selama 2 tahun”. Pelatih batch 1-12 pada masa itu diserap terus sebagai penjawat awam dan menerima gaji bulanan RM137.50 X 7.50 dan selepas latihan 3 tahun menerima RM178.00 - RM422.00 dengan elaun COLA RM52.50 .
Mulai Batch 13 barulah Sistem Biasiswa atau Elaun Pelatih diperkenalkan. Gaji PPF selepas latihan dulu ialah antara RM 178.00 - RM422.00. (Lain-lain Paramedik RM238.00 - RM528.00).
Pada tahun 1964, sekolah latihan Pembancuh Ubat telah berpindah ke Makmal Ubat dan Stor, Jalan Universiti (G.M.S – General Medical Store) dimana sekarang telah dijadikan IbuPejabat Perkhidmatan Farmasi Malaysia (Bahagian Perkhidmatan Farmasi KKM).
Latihan disini dimulakan dengan pengambilan pelatih pertama seramai 26 pelatih sahaja. Kemudian dengan pembinaan 2 lagi Makmal, jumlah pengambilan ditambah menjadi 120 pelatih setiap tahun. Di kawasan yang sama jugalah latihan Pembantu Makmal Kimia Ubat dijalankan yang kita ketahui kemudiannya telah di ‘asimilasi’ menjadi Penolong Pegawai Farmasi.
Gelaran jawatan sebenarnya didapati berubah sebanyak 4 kali. 3 kali secara rasmi dan sekali tidak rasmi. Secara rasmi, gelaran pertama iaitu Pembancuh Ubat diguna mulai 1957 – 1981 (ketika itu dalam bahasa Inggeris di panggil Dispenser) . Gelaran kedua iaitu Pembantu Farmasi dilulus dan diguna mulai 1982 sehinggalah 31 Mei 2008 dan kemudian mulai 1 Jun 2008 secara rasminya diubah sebagai Penolong Pegawai Farmasi. Tetapi ramai yang tidak mengetahui ada satu lagi gelaran yang diguna secara tak rasmi pada 1981-1982 iaitu JuruUbat. Semasa itu gelaran tersebut tidak diluluskan kerana ia kelihatan golongan Profesional. (Maklumat daripada Senior) Selepas itulah ia diubah kepada Pembantu Farmasi.
Kembali kepada latihan. Pada tahun 1998 Menteri Pelajaran ketika itu iaitu Yang Amat Berhormat Dato’Seri Najib Tun Abd Razak telah meluluskan sijil latihan Pembantu Farmasi kepada Diploma Farmasi. Selepas penyediaan kurikulum, program ini dinaik taraf dan Bahagian Perkhidmatan Farmasi telah meluluskan nama diploma kepada Diploma Pembantu Farmasi bermula tahun 2000 (walaupun diluluskan Diploma Farmasi). Nama sekolah juga di ubah kepada Kolej Pembantu Farmasi dengan Pengajar dari kalangan bekas Pembantu Farmasi pertama selepas naik taraf seramai 7 orang.
"Walaubagaimana pun semua Senior tidak akan lupa akan jasa dan kenangan latihan oleh Miss E.L Leong , Pharmacist @ Pengetua Sekolah sebelum itu yang telah banyak memberi sumbangan dan jasa besar kepada Profesion ini. (Semoga roh beliau dicucuri rahmat....)"
Mulai tahun 2004, Kolej Latihan telah berpindah kali ketiga ke premis sekarang iaitu Kolej Sains Kesihatan Bersekutu, Sg.Buloh dengan imej baru dan penambahan Pengajar seramai 13 orang.
(Termasuk Ketua Program-maklumat sehingga 2008)
Kursus pula telah diubah mengikut sistem Universiti dengan kredit point dan pembelajaran semester. Kursus Diploma Farmasi mengambil masa 3 tahun dan dikendalikan mengikut sistem semester yang merangkumi 6 semester.
Empat semester iaitu Tahun 1 Semester 1 ; Tahun 1 Semester 2, Tahun 2 Semester 1 dan Tahun 3 Semester 2 dikendalikan dibawah Program Diploma Farmasi di Kolej Sains Kesihatan Bersekutu, Sg.Buloh.
Pada tahun 2 semester 2 dan tahun 3 semester 1, pelatih perlu menjalani latihan klinikal di hospital-hospital kerajaan, klinik kesihatan dan institusi yang di iktiraf oleh KKM.
Bersambung........ (Perjuangan Kesatuan & Persatuan, Kerjaya, Pos Basik, Pendaftaran dll)
Profesion Penolong Pegawai Farmasi bermula sekitar bulan September 1957 iaitu sebulan sesudah Kemerdekaan Malaya. Pada masa itu latihan dijalankan di premis Sekolah Latihan Jururawat, Hospital Besar Pulau Pinang. Latihan dijalankan disana sehingga tahun 1964. Kolej latihan adalah dinamakan sebagai Sekolah Latihan Pembancuh Ubat. Pada ketika itu, Latihan adalah dijalankan secara teori selama setahun dan ”on job training selama 2 tahun”. Pelatih batch 1-12 pada masa itu diserap terus sebagai penjawat awam dan menerima gaji bulanan RM137.50 X 7.50 dan selepas latihan 3 tahun menerima RM178.00 - RM422.00 dengan elaun COLA RM52.50 .
Mulai Batch 13 barulah Sistem Biasiswa atau Elaun Pelatih diperkenalkan. Gaji PPF selepas latihan dulu ialah antara RM 178.00 - RM422.00. (Lain-lain Paramedik RM238.00 - RM528.00).
Pada tahun 1964, sekolah latihan Pembancuh Ubat telah berpindah ke Makmal Ubat dan Stor, Jalan Universiti (G.M.S – General Medical Store) dimana sekarang telah dijadikan IbuPejabat Perkhidmatan Farmasi Malaysia (Bahagian Perkhidmatan Farmasi KKM).
Latihan disini dimulakan dengan pengambilan pelatih pertama seramai 26 pelatih sahaja. Kemudian dengan pembinaan 2 lagi Makmal, jumlah pengambilan ditambah menjadi 120 pelatih setiap tahun. Di kawasan yang sama jugalah latihan Pembantu Makmal Kimia Ubat dijalankan yang kita ketahui kemudiannya telah di ‘asimilasi’ menjadi Penolong Pegawai Farmasi.
Gelaran jawatan sebenarnya didapati berubah sebanyak 4 kali. 3 kali secara rasmi dan sekali tidak rasmi. Secara rasmi, gelaran pertama iaitu Pembancuh Ubat diguna mulai 1957 – 1981 (ketika itu dalam bahasa Inggeris di panggil Dispenser) . Gelaran kedua iaitu Pembantu Farmasi dilulus dan diguna mulai 1982 sehinggalah 31 Mei 2008 dan kemudian mulai 1 Jun 2008 secara rasminya diubah sebagai Penolong Pegawai Farmasi. Tetapi ramai yang tidak mengetahui ada satu lagi gelaran yang diguna secara tak rasmi pada 1981-1982 iaitu JuruUbat. Semasa itu gelaran tersebut tidak diluluskan kerana ia kelihatan golongan Profesional. (Maklumat daripada Senior) Selepas itulah ia diubah kepada Pembantu Farmasi.
Kembali kepada latihan. Pada tahun 1998 Menteri Pelajaran ketika itu iaitu Yang Amat Berhormat Dato’Seri Najib Tun Abd Razak telah meluluskan sijil latihan Pembantu Farmasi kepada Diploma Farmasi. Selepas penyediaan kurikulum, program ini dinaik taraf dan Bahagian Perkhidmatan Farmasi telah meluluskan nama diploma kepada Diploma Pembantu Farmasi bermula tahun 2000 (walaupun diluluskan Diploma Farmasi). Nama sekolah juga di ubah kepada Kolej Pembantu Farmasi dengan Pengajar dari kalangan bekas Pembantu Farmasi pertama selepas naik taraf seramai 7 orang.
"Walaubagaimana pun semua Senior tidak akan lupa akan jasa dan kenangan latihan oleh Miss E.L Leong , Pharmacist @ Pengetua Sekolah sebelum itu yang telah banyak memberi sumbangan dan jasa besar kepada Profesion ini. (Semoga roh beliau dicucuri rahmat....)"
Mulai tahun 2004, Kolej Latihan telah berpindah kali ketiga ke premis sekarang iaitu Kolej Sains Kesihatan Bersekutu, Sg.Buloh dengan imej baru dan penambahan Pengajar seramai 13 orang.
(Termasuk Ketua Program-maklumat sehingga 2008)
Kursus pula telah diubah mengikut sistem Universiti dengan kredit point dan pembelajaran semester. Kursus Diploma Farmasi mengambil masa 3 tahun dan dikendalikan mengikut sistem semester yang merangkumi 6 semester.
Empat semester iaitu Tahun 1 Semester 1 ; Tahun 1 Semester 2, Tahun 2 Semester 1 dan Tahun 3 Semester 2 dikendalikan dibawah Program Diploma Farmasi di Kolej Sains Kesihatan Bersekutu, Sg.Buloh.
Pada tahun 2 semester 2 dan tahun 3 semester 1, pelatih perlu menjalani latihan klinikal di hospital-hospital kerajaan, klinik kesihatan dan institusi yang di iktiraf oleh KKM.
Bersambung........ (Perjuangan Kesatuan & Persatuan, Kerjaya, Pos Basik, Pendaftaran dll)
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Pen.Pegawai Farmasi kini sedang menghadapi "tsunami" kemasukan Pegawai2 Farmasi (PRP)setiap tahun dan ini telah mengakibatkan kebanyakan post-post PPF yang kosong dikebanyakan Institusi samada Hospital atau Kesihatan tidak diisi oleh Pentadbiran Farmasi Negeri masing-masing.
Keadaan ini kelihatan sangat ketara. Jika dilihat dari sudut positif, Malaysia akan mempunyai cukup tenaga mahir dan profesional di barisan hadapan di kaunter dan dapat memberikan satu perkhidmatan yang cukup informatif kepada pelanggan khasnya.
Pen.Pegawai Farmasi juga seharusnya menerima fakta dan akur kepada perkembangan profesion Pegawai Farmasi dan juga pelan yang disediakan oleh KKM. PPF tidak seharusnya melawan dan 'demand' hak untuk dispen kerana tugas itu termaktub dalam undang-undang.
Pen.Pegawai Farmasi harus menitik beratkan kemajuan dalam aspek tugas-tugas teknikal
dan berjuang hak untuk mendapat tugas tersebut supaya ia boleh di gazetkan dalam akta dan dikawal oleh satu badan seperti di USA, UK dan Kanada.
Jika dilihat dari sudut sejarah keatas negara-negara maju, Profesion "Pharmacy Technician" di Amerika dan Eropah berkembang sangat pesat jika dibandingkan dengan lain-lain profesion. Di Amerika bilangan Pharmacy Technician telah melepasi angka 250,000 orang. Pada 1996,Jabatan Tenaga Buruh Amerika menjangka bilangan Pharmacy Technician adalah sekitar 150,000 pada tahun 2006 tetapi bilangan sebenar Pharmacy Technician pada 2006 ialah 285,000 ! Peningkatan adalah dianggarkan 32% sehingga 2016. (rujuk
Berdasarkan sejarah bidang Farmaseutikal, kita juga sebenarnya sedang mengikuti semua langkah-langkah dan kemajuan dalam aspek pembangunan "Pharmaceutical-care" dari negara-negara maju. Mereka telah lama meletakkan Pharmacist di barisan hadapan dikaunter-kaunter dan kita baru mengikuti langkah tersebut.
Apabila tiba pada satu tahap nanti, keperluan akan meningkat kepada Pegawai Farmasi terhadap perkhidmatan klinikal yang tinggi dan kepakaran. Mereka mungkin tiada masa lagi untuk kerja-kerja teknikal yang remeh mengikut tahap pendidikan tinggi profesion mereka. Itulah yang berlaku di Amerika dan United Kingdom. Kerana itulah ujudnya juga pendaftaran Pharmacy Technician di U.K oleh Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain yang mengawal Pharmacy Technician disana dan di Amerika pula oleh Negeri masing-masing seperti Texas State Pharmacy Board, California State Board of Pharmacy dll. Di Kanada juga mempunyai pendaftaran Pharmacy Technician iaitu Pharmacy Technician Board of Canada.
Daripada pengalaman-pengalaman di luar negara dalam bidang farmaseutikal yang berkembang pesat, tidakkah kita berfikir pada suatu hari nanti semua PPF juga akan menerima pengiktirafan ini? Adalah diharapkan pihak pengurusan lebih berfikiran terbuka dan menerima ahli-ahli dalam keluarga Farmasi demi kualiti dalam perkhidmatan farmaseutikal.
Kesilapan kita memilih nama gelaran juga mungkin menyebabkan rasa kurang senang di pihak pengurusan tertinggi oleh beberapa pegawai tinggi disana. Ini secara tidak langsung akan melambatkan sebarang proses tuntutan kepada perkembangan profesion kita.
Sekiranya kita memilih gelaran yang lebih bersifat teknikal(Teknologis) dan bukan pentadbiran(Penolong Pegawai) iaitu seperti dalam post pertama saya- Pharmacy Technologist, kita mungkin dapat mendalami dalam bidang ini dengan usaha untuk mendapatkan hak kita dalam tugas-tugas teknikal. Pihak pengurusan tinggi Farmasi juga akan lebih lembut dan lebih berkerjasama dalam tuntutan kita.
Jika dalam bahasa melayu gelaran teknikal ini boleh disebut Teknologis Farmasi (Pharmacy Technologist) samada Diploma atau selepas mendapat Ijazah Teknologi Farmasi (Degree in Pharmaceutical Technology) dan Ijazah Farmaseutikal Sains (Degree in Pharmaceutical Science).
Mungkin ada yang akan bertanya selepas mendapat Ijazah tersebut apa pula peranan PPF dan di letakkan diUnit mana? Pegawai-Pegawai Farmasi pula tidak harus rasa terancam sekiranya PPF melanjutkan pelajaran sehingga Ijazah kerana satu hala tuju dan peranan harus disediakan dahulu sebelum menerima Ijazah tersebut dalam perkhidmatan teknikal Farmasi. Kita tidak harus "cross over" dan tidak "overlap" dalam tugas harian perkhidmatan farmaseutikal dengan Pegawai.
Memang mudah untuk ditulis tetapi untuk praktikkannya dan menyediakan satu kertas kerja yang komprehensif, rasional dan cukup justifikasi, kita memerlukan satu Jawatankuasa PPF yang mantap, kreatif, dinamik, pintar, berpengalaman,sifat tidak berkira masa, pemikiran positif, fleksibel dan komited kepada perkembangan profesion.
Walau apapun memang ini kelihatan satu mimpi indah seperti dalam post saya sebelum ini.
- think positive and work towards profesionalism
Keadaan ini kelihatan sangat ketara. Jika dilihat dari sudut positif, Malaysia akan mempunyai cukup tenaga mahir dan profesional di barisan hadapan di kaunter dan dapat memberikan satu perkhidmatan yang cukup informatif kepada pelanggan khasnya.
Pen.Pegawai Farmasi juga seharusnya menerima fakta dan akur kepada perkembangan profesion Pegawai Farmasi dan juga pelan yang disediakan oleh KKM. PPF tidak seharusnya melawan dan 'demand' hak untuk dispen kerana tugas itu termaktub dalam undang-undang.
Pen.Pegawai Farmasi harus menitik beratkan kemajuan dalam aspek tugas-tugas teknikal
dan berjuang hak untuk mendapat tugas tersebut supaya ia boleh di gazetkan dalam akta dan dikawal oleh satu badan seperti di USA, UK dan Kanada.
Jika dilihat dari sudut sejarah keatas negara-negara maju, Profesion "Pharmacy Technician" di Amerika dan Eropah berkembang sangat pesat jika dibandingkan dengan lain-lain profesion. Di Amerika bilangan Pharmacy Technician telah melepasi angka 250,000 orang. Pada 1996,Jabatan Tenaga Buruh Amerika menjangka bilangan Pharmacy Technician adalah sekitar 150,000 pada tahun 2006 tetapi bilangan sebenar Pharmacy Technician pada 2006 ialah 285,000 ! Peningkatan adalah dianggarkan 32% sehingga 2016. (rujuk
Berdasarkan sejarah bidang Farmaseutikal, kita juga sebenarnya sedang mengikuti semua langkah-langkah dan kemajuan dalam aspek pembangunan "Pharmaceutical-care" dari negara-negara maju. Mereka telah lama meletakkan Pharmacist di barisan hadapan dikaunter-kaunter dan kita baru mengikuti langkah tersebut.
Apabila tiba pada satu tahap nanti, keperluan akan meningkat kepada Pegawai Farmasi terhadap perkhidmatan klinikal yang tinggi dan kepakaran. Mereka mungkin tiada masa lagi untuk kerja-kerja teknikal yang remeh mengikut tahap pendidikan tinggi profesion mereka. Itulah yang berlaku di Amerika dan United Kingdom. Kerana itulah ujudnya juga pendaftaran Pharmacy Technician di U.K oleh Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain yang mengawal Pharmacy Technician disana dan di Amerika pula oleh Negeri masing-masing seperti Texas State Pharmacy Board, California State Board of Pharmacy dll. Di Kanada juga mempunyai pendaftaran Pharmacy Technician iaitu Pharmacy Technician Board of Canada.
Daripada pengalaman-pengalaman di luar negara dalam bidang farmaseutikal yang berkembang pesat, tidakkah kita berfikir pada suatu hari nanti semua PPF juga akan menerima pengiktirafan ini? Adalah diharapkan pihak pengurusan lebih berfikiran terbuka dan menerima ahli-ahli dalam keluarga Farmasi demi kualiti dalam perkhidmatan farmaseutikal.
Kesilapan kita memilih nama gelaran juga mungkin menyebabkan rasa kurang senang di pihak pengurusan tertinggi oleh beberapa pegawai tinggi disana. Ini secara tidak langsung akan melambatkan sebarang proses tuntutan kepada perkembangan profesion kita.
Sekiranya kita memilih gelaran yang lebih bersifat teknikal(Teknologis) dan bukan pentadbiran(Penolong Pegawai) iaitu seperti dalam post pertama saya- Pharmacy Technologist, kita mungkin dapat mendalami dalam bidang ini dengan usaha untuk mendapatkan hak kita dalam tugas-tugas teknikal. Pihak pengurusan tinggi Farmasi juga akan lebih lembut dan lebih berkerjasama dalam tuntutan kita.
Jika dalam bahasa melayu gelaran teknikal ini boleh disebut Teknologis Farmasi (Pharmacy Technologist) samada Diploma atau selepas mendapat Ijazah Teknologi Farmasi (Degree in Pharmaceutical Technology) dan Ijazah Farmaseutikal Sains (Degree in Pharmaceutical Science).
Mungkin ada yang akan bertanya selepas mendapat Ijazah tersebut apa pula peranan PPF dan di letakkan diUnit mana? Pegawai-Pegawai Farmasi pula tidak harus rasa terancam sekiranya PPF melanjutkan pelajaran sehingga Ijazah kerana satu hala tuju dan peranan harus disediakan dahulu sebelum menerima Ijazah tersebut dalam perkhidmatan teknikal Farmasi. Kita tidak harus "cross over" dan tidak "overlap" dalam tugas harian perkhidmatan farmaseutikal dengan Pegawai.
Memang mudah untuk ditulis tetapi untuk praktikkannya dan menyediakan satu kertas kerja yang komprehensif, rasional dan cukup justifikasi, kita memerlukan satu Jawatankuasa PPF yang mantap, kreatif, dinamik, pintar, berpengalaman,sifat tidak berkira masa, pemikiran positif, fleksibel dan komited kepada perkembangan profesion.
Walau apapun memang ini kelihatan satu mimpi indah seperti dalam post saya sebelum ini.
- think positive and work towards profesionalism
Today i went through a site which offer a degree in Pharmaceutical Technology from one of the college in USA. The total credit points of this degree is similar as our Diploma in Malaysia with 96 credit points.
Check this site :
Down here is the info I paste from the website.
Pharmacy Technology Diploma and Degree
(columbus technical college, usa)
Degree and Diploma: Pharmacy Technology is offered as an Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree program and as a diploma program.
Diploma Program:
Pharmacology is one of the principal pillars of modern medical practice, and your expertise in that area will place you at the heart of modern medicine. Your areas of expertise will include pharmaceutical calculations, sterile medication preparation, medical dispensing, medical terminology, and knowledge of medication interactions. Your computer skills will enable you to keep the accurate records necessary for quality patient health. The clinical practicums you experience will provide you the opportunity to study and practice your craft, while working side-by-side with and learning from practicing medical professionals. Your diploma will enable you to work at a trauma center, a hospital, or an assisted-living community. Your skill will also be in demand in the retail world, whether it is in an individual drugstore or a retail chain pharmacy.
Degree Program:
The Pharmacy Technology Associate Degree Program prepares you for employment in pharmacy departments in hospitals, clinics, long-term care facilities, commercial businesses, and other related facilities. The program develops you academically and professionally with a focus on knowledge base, technical skills, and work ethics. The program emphasizes didactic and clinical instruction necessary for job attainment, retention, and advancement. As a program graduate, you will be eligible to sit for a national certification exam for Pharmacy Technologists. If you have completed prerequisite coursework, you can compete for summer or winter admission into this program.
Length of Program:
• 76 Credit hours for Diploma.
• 96 Credit hours for Degree.
Diploma Program Sequence
General Mathematics
Medical Terminology
Introduction to Microcomputers
Anatomy and Physiology
Basic Psychology
Pharmaceutical Calculations
Pharmacy Technology Fundamentals
Basic Inorganic Chemistry
Principles of Dispensing Medication
Principles of Sterile Medication Preparation
Pharmacy Technology Practicum
Advanced Pharmacy Technology Principles
Advanced Pharmacy Technology Practicum
Degree Program Sequence
College Algebra
Medical Terminology
Introduction to Microcomputers
Composition and Rhetoric I
Anatomy and Physiology I
Introduction to Humanities
Fundamentals of Speech
Anatomy and Physiology II
Principles of Economics
Introductory Psychology
Pharmaceutical Calculations
Pharmacy Technology Fundamentals
Basic Inorganic Chemistry
Principles of Dispensing Medication
Principles of Sterile Medication Preparation
Pharmacy Technology Practicum
Advanced Pharmacy Technology Principles
Advanced Pharmacy Technology Practicum
Last updated: October 6, 2008.
Check this site :
Down here is the info I paste from the website.
Pharmacy Technology Diploma and Degree
(columbus technical college, usa)
Degree and Diploma: Pharmacy Technology is offered as an Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree program and as a diploma program.
Diploma Program:
Pharmacology is one of the principal pillars of modern medical practice, and your expertise in that area will place you at the heart of modern medicine. Your areas of expertise will include pharmaceutical calculations, sterile medication preparation, medical dispensing, medical terminology, and knowledge of medication interactions. Your computer skills will enable you to keep the accurate records necessary for quality patient health. The clinical practicums you experience will provide you the opportunity to study and practice your craft, while working side-by-side with and learning from practicing medical professionals. Your diploma will enable you to work at a trauma center, a hospital, or an assisted-living community. Your skill will also be in demand in the retail world, whether it is in an individual drugstore or a retail chain pharmacy.
Degree Program:
The Pharmacy Technology Associate Degree Program prepares you for employment in pharmacy departments in hospitals, clinics, long-term care facilities, commercial businesses, and other related facilities. The program develops you academically and professionally with a focus on knowledge base, technical skills, and work ethics. The program emphasizes didactic and clinical instruction necessary for job attainment, retention, and advancement. As a program graduate, you will be eligible to sit for a national certification exam for Pharmacy Technologists. If you have completed prerequisite coursework, you can compete for summer or winter admission into this program.
Length of Program:
• 76 Credit hours for Diploma.
• 96 Credit hours for Degree.
Diploma Program Sequence
General Mathematics
Medical Terminology
Introduction to Microcomputers
Anatomy and Physiology
Basic Psychology
Pharmaceutical Calculations
Pharmacy Technology Fundamentals
Basic Inorganic Chemistry
Principles of Dispensing Medication
Principles of Sterile Medication Preparation
Pharmacy Technology Practicum
Advanced Pharmacy Technology Principles
Advanced Pharmacy Technology Practicum
Degree Program Sequence
College Algebra
Medical Terminology
Introduction to Microcomputers
Composition and Rhetoric I
Anatomy and Physiology I
Introduction to Humanities
Fundamentals of Speech
Anatomy and Physiology II
Principles of Economics
Introductory Psychology
Pharmaceutical Calculations
Pharmacy Technology Fundamentals
Basic Inorganic Chemistry
Principles of Dispensing Medication
Principles of Sterile Medication Preparation
Pharmacy Technology Practicum
Advanced Pharmacy Technology Principles
Advanced Pharmacy Technology Practicum
Last updated: October 6, 2008.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Penolong Pegawai Farmasi dijangka akan menerima perubahan dari skop tugas dan peranan dalam masa terdekat ini. Mesyuarat Teknikal PPF Kesihatan di KK Kuala Gula, Krian telah membuka satu lembaran baru dan Bhg.Pembangunan Kesihatan Keluarga (Caw.Kesihatan Primer) pada dasarnya telah bersetuju untuk menimbangkan cadangan di Bengkel tersebut dan membawa hasil Bengkel serta kertas cadangan tersebut ke Mesyuarat Teknikal Pegawai-Pegawai Farmasi Kesihatan Peringkat Kebangsaan di Port Dickson pada 8-10 November 2008 akan datang. Kita menerima sokongan yang baik daripada Ketua Pen.Pengarah Bhg.Pembangunan Kesihatan Keluarga (Peg.Farmasi Kanan).
Walaubagaimanapun selepas persetujuan di Mesyuarat Teknikal tersebut, Pegawai-Pegawai Farmasi akan menilai dalam aspek atau ruang mana kita boleh dipertimbangkan untuk peranan baru tersebut. Kemudian baru usul tersebut akan di panjangkan ke Bahagian Perkhidmatan Farmasi, KKM.
Apapun pada saya ia adalah satu perkembangan positif. Oleh yang demikian, saya mohon jika ada dikalangan anda mempunyai idea-idea yang bernas, sila sediakan kertas kerja untuk cadangan Extended & Expanded Role untuk PPF dan email kepada saya( sebelum 1 November 2008. Ketua Pen.Pengarah BPKK telah beri mandat pada saya untuk edit dan sediakan kertas cadangan tersebut untuk di compile dan sertakan bersama kertas kerja dari bengkel terdahulu di Kuala Gula selepas didapati lengkap dan komprehensif.
Kepada Pen.Pegawai Farmasi diseluruh Malaysia!, saya menyeru anda semua tampil kehadapan dan bantu menyediakan bersama-sama kertas cadangan tersebut demi pembangunan dan kemajuan Profesion kita.
Walaubagaimanapun selepas persetujuan di Mesyuarat Teknikal tersebut, Pegawai-Pegawai Farmasi akan menilai dalam aspek atau ruang mana kita boleh dipertimbangkan untuk peranan baru tersebut. Kemudian baru usul tersebut akan di panjangkan ke Bahagian Perkhidmatan Farmasi, KKM.
Apapun pada saya ia adalah satu perkembangan positif. Oleh yang demikian, saya mohon jika ada dikalangan anda mempunyai idea-idea yang bernas, sila sediakan kertas kerja untuk cadangan Extended & Expanded Role untuk PPF dan email kepada saya( sebelum 1 November 2008. Ketua Pen.Pengarah BPKK telah beri mandat pada saya untuk edit dan sediakan kertas cadangan tersebut untuk di compile dan sertakan bersama kertas kerja dari bengkel terdahulu di Kuala Gula selepas didapati lengkap dan komprehensif.
Kepada Pen.Pegawai Farmasi diseluruh Malaysia!, saya menyeru anda semua tampil kehadapan dan bantu menyediakan bersama-sama kertas cadangan tersebut demi pembangunan dan kemajuan Profesion kita.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
This photos taken at 6th Combined Allied Health Profesional Scientific Meeting 2006.
Me, Faridah Saidi(U38 HKL),Hj.Abu Bakar(U38 Hosp.Queen Elizabeth Sabah) and Pn.Noraini (U38 HKL) together prepaired the poster presentation for this scientific meeting. Me and Faridah was asked to be the presenter. We got all the good chances to tell to KSU regarding our actual role and problems faced. We also did the last minute proposal regarding development of our profesion in every aspect.
Me, Faridah Saidi(U38 HKL),Hj.Abu Bakar(U38 Hosp.Queen Elizabeth Sabah) and Pn.Noraini (U38 HKL) together prepaired the poster presentation for this scientific meeting. Me and Faridah was asked to be the presenter. We got all the good chances to tell to KSU regarding our actual role and problems faced. We also did the last minute proposal regarding development of our profesion in every aspect.
Adalah disyorkan satu perjumpaan khas Penolong Pegawai Farmasi diadakan antara Kesatuan, Persatuan,Pengajar prog.Farmasi KSKB, Pengajar Prog.Farmasi di Bhg Latihan,Wakil BPF KKM, Wakil Biro, Ketua PPF HKL,Wakil Sabah&Sarawak serta beberapa cendiakiawan PPF atau Think Thank Group bagi membincangkan secara serius perkara-perkara berkaitan Pembangunan Profesion seperti skop tugas, kursus pos basik, pendaftaran dibawah akta, perjawatan dan networking, pendidikan lanjutan dan ijazah, expanded & extended role, skim jawatan yang bersesuaian, jawatan baru di Unit-unit Khas di Putrajaya (eg Bhg.Kesihatan primer, Medical Device Bureau etc), penglibatan dalam kajian, konferens tahunan kebangsaan PPF serta penganugerahan tokoh PPF Kebangsaan serta lain-lain yang difikirkan mustahak.
Ramai dikalangan PPF sangat-sangat tertekan sejak berpuluh tahun hingga sekarang dan adalah tidak wajar minda dan perasaan mereka terus dibiarkan tertekan dalam kehidupan seharian. Perubahan positif dalam profesion harus diberi keutamaan dan ini secara tidak langsung akan juga mengubah pembangunan organisasi secara keseluruhan.
Ramai dikalangan PPF sangat-sangat tertekan sejak berpuluh tahun hingga sekarang dan adalah tidak wajar minda dan perasaan mereka terus dibiarkan tertekan dalam kehidupan seharian. Perubahan positif dalam profesion harus diberi keutamaan dan ini secara tidak langsung akan juga mengubah pembangunan organisasi secara keseluruhan.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Pharmacist Assistant vs Pharmacy Technologist

To All Malaysian Assistant Pharmacist @ Technologist,
As we all know Public Service Department of Malaysia has approved the title post of Pharmacy Assistant to Assistant Pharmacist (in Bahasa-Penolong Pegawai Farmasi) effective from 1st June 2008. Many are happy with the current development as it gives a better image of the profession but there are still others who question the rationale of using this term as it doesn't reflect our professional role and career developments in future.
I personally think that it is not a wise move to change the name of our post just because the Medical Assistants have changed theirs to Assistant Medical Officer (Penolong Pegawai Perubatan). Why are we always following others?
A Pharmacy Assistant’s job (in the west referred to as Pharmacy Technician) is a very technically-orientated post. We are involved in compounding, filling medicines, labelling, preparing mixtures, preparing extemporaneous preparations, TPN, TDM, CDR, procuring and purchasing, counter- patient management with or without supervision by a pharmacist in Health Centres. But we all know in Malaysia we still doing clinical work especially in community pharmacy setup in rural places where there is no Pharmacist.
Most of the duties of Assistant Pharmacist comprise a lot of technical undertakings nowdays while we still committed to clinical as well. Why do we choose to be known as 'Penolong Pegawai Farmasi'(Assistant Pharmacist) when we are really technical and part clinical staff(pharmacist cant deny we actually is still doing the clinical work). I have spoken to one of the higher officers in Pharmacy Services Division, Ministry Of Health and he agrees with my view.
I have also discussed this matter with Malaysian Pharmacy Assistant Association Committee Members, Health Ministry Training Division Staff, Lecturers from Allied Health Science College Sg.Buloh, Assistant Pharmacist from National Pharmaceutical Bureau and many dynamic seniors. They all agree that our post should not be changed to Assistant Pharmacist (Penolong Pegawai Farmasi).
So what is the most suitable name or title then?
After some research on Pharmacy Titles across the world in USA, UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and Canada, I found that the most suitable name for Malaysian Pharmacy Assistant is Pharmacy Technologist. Why? Because in Malaysia our curriculum syllabus is one of the best in the world compared to other country. In UK, the course is only for 1 year with on job training. In USA the course for Pharmacy Technician is from 7 mnt-1 year with exam for certification(PTCB). But they also have a degree course in Pharmaceutical Technology and Pharmaceutical science which can lead to the post of Pharmacy Technologist! The Republic of Ireland is also running a similar course. Malaysia only offers a course that covers 3 years leading to a DIPLOMA!
The syllabus is indeed very comprehensive and tight with a total of 98 credit points. (To become a Pharmacist, one must complete 120 credit points in a Malaysian University). Hence our diploma course is close to a Degree in Pharmacy. That is about studies. How about the job description and the workload of the Assistant Pharmacist? In many places all the duties supposedly carried out by a Pharmacist is done by the Assistant Pharmacist.
Previously many Pharmacists prefer to be at the desk than to tackle technical or clinical duties. Only recently were there changes whereby the new Pharmacist is placed at the main counter and the Pharmacist Assistant doing the filling work and other technical duties. The role as front liner has been taken over by the Pharmacist nowadays as it should rightly be.
But the issue now is what are the prospects of a Assistant Pharmacist in the new era and in future? After 50 years, only now there is one professional Post Basic course conducted which is very limited chances to all Assistant Pharmacist!. Assistant Pharmacist feel they are treated as second class Paramedics because we are not respected and taken care of by some of the immediate officers. At the present there is a big gap between the Pharmacist and the Assistant in most institutions. But there is also a new generation of Pharmacists who really care and understand our problems.
Now back to the main topic. Choosing the right title. The staff from National Pharmaceutical Bureau very much awaited and fought the title to be changed to Pharmacy Technologist as they are fully doing technical duties there. Duties such as carrying out Microbiology Test, Quality Control, drug performance test etc is a technical job. For a Assistant Pharmacist (Penolong Pegawai Farmasi) to do this kind of job is ridiculous!
Every profession needs developments in its career. Therefore, the closest degree (apart from Deg.In Pharmacy) that we can apply now is Degree in Pharmaceutical Technology, Degree in Pharmaceutical Science and Pharmacology. It is very appropriate if our title is changed to Pharmacy Technologist in order to further our studies in Pharmaceutical Technology or Science. Don't you all agree with this? We can concentrate in our technical duties fully without interfering the clinical work which is the Pharmacists’ job.
At present we are sealed in our progress by being given the title of an Assistant which does not give us the chance to be a professional in the related category. To all concerned, think carefully. The change is still there to be made.
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